Sheryl Hicks


Sheryl Hicks

When we see sea turtles it can mean that they can be mating and that makes us aware that they will soon be going to lay eggs. Some of our people eat the eggs and turtles.

Sheryl Hicks is an artist and teacher from Wickham. She has spent her life living between Perth and Roebourne and has taught in schools across the Pilbara. Sheryl began experimenting with art as a way of expressing her culture and her experiences as an Aboriginal woman. Her painting style is unique to her personal experiences and interpretations.  Sheryl has exhibited her work in the Pilbara and Perth. Currently the principal at a remote school, Sheryl still finds time to paint, sending her artworks in to Yinjaa-Barni Art once completed.

DOB: 7/09/1974
Country: Yindjibarndi

Sheryl Hicks
Sheryl Hicks
Wildflowers in the Springtime